
I use the 1842 classic cyanotype formula to print my photographs of Lanzarote, trying to offer a new way to look at its life, things, places, details, with a touch of poetry.


Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to measure the color blue? During your travels or while you wanders taking some fresh air. Designing your new interior and looking for inspiration. Sketching in plein-air a new painting. Connecting your blues to some nice poetry or a piece of music and sharing it with someone else.


Classic Cyanotype - advanced level, Digital Negative for Alternative Photography, Two complete online courses tailored for both beginners and experienced print makers, hosted on a professional platform.

Botanical Treasures

A new series of cyanotype prints.Toned with laurel leaves, they gain a green/beige split color.An homage to botanical and photographic master Karl Blossfeldt, with the poetry that Lanzarote plants offer to the attentive viewer.

Macro collection

Macro Collection, is intended for the interior design of your home. The ocean beauties of my Macro collection are found on the shores of Lanzarote, often battered by the sea and its volcanic rocks.

Large botanicals

During the summer in Lanzarote I’ve made these unique pieces using the historic process of Classic Cyanotype. Using leaves I found and the UV light from the sun, I made these double or triple exposures over full sheets of Arches Platine, a pure cotton paper museum grade barbed on the sides. The prints are 56x76 cm, apart one single case.

La Gran Calima – limited edition prints

In February 2020, few days before all the world was locked down for a virus, has been registered in Lanzarote the strongest sand (or dust) storm since decades. The local name for that is “calima”, a special weather condition rather fascinating to me, coming directly from the facing African Sahara.

Organic art – limited edition large prints

For a long time I wanted to create something organic and large. I present to you here my limited edition works of art, in a dimension larger than usual for me. To overcome the limit of the negative dimensions I split the photographic print into several negatives, creating diptyches, triptyches, polyptyches. Each print is made in a limited edition of 24.

Ermitas Icónicas

Ermitas Icónicas (Iconic chapels). A Limited Edition of 10, of the nicest small chapels of Lanzarote. They are printed in cyanotype over Arches Platine 310g, museum grade pure cotton paper, mounted on waxed wood upcycling a bit of the frame of an old window of al local important building.

Large panoramas

I present you my panoramas of Lanzarote, in 30×40 cm (12×16 inches approx.) or 15×40 cm. They are all original photographic prints made on Arches Platine, a museum grade paper made of pure cotton fibers, without alkaline reserve for alternative photographic processes. The tones are beautiful, from prussian blue to turquoise.

Photo with Poetry – limited edition print

Limited edition photograph printed with the classic 1842 Cyanotype formula on Arches Platine, a 100% cotton rag with no alkaline reserve, especially made for alternative photography such as platinum, p.palladium, cyanotype, etc.

Video of my printing process

Condensed in two minutes the video of the work I make in three days: cutting all the paper, coating with the emulsion, exposing, developing, etc. up to the final print ready to be sold in the artisan markets of Lanzarote or posted worldwide.


Medicine-Plants. In an apttempt to mantain health we use medicines, from plants or synthetic. On the matter, some miths or fears reign creating different views. Trying to artistically approach the matter I photographed some medicinal Plants of Lanzarote and printed them in #cyanotype on Medicine information leaflets.

Algae collection

My Algae collection. Sea weeds of Lanzarote, photographed and printed in different formats. Although with a personal different technique and style they are a tribute to Anna Atkins, the botanist and first woman photogrpher who made, using cyanotype, the first photographic book of history: “British Algae”.

Natural Textures

Surfaces of the Mother Earth. Natural textures we can walk by, focusing on their beauty. They belong to us all, to Lanzarote. Recycled 100% pure cotton hand made paper. These photos are proposed in the Golden Ratio (proporción áurea) 25 x 15,5 cm. Mounted on a thick recycled cardboard in a way to enhance the three dimensional aspect.