Digital Negative video course
I am happy to offer you the first video course for making Digital Negatives for alternative photography. It is in English with subtitles in English and Spanish.
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The making of this video course took more than one and a half years to prepare. My previous experience, making thousands of prints using digital negatives, was indispensable to really understand all the details that I can now explain to you. Before having the idea of making this video course I did a lot of testing to widen my knowledge on the linearization of a digital negative and manage all the variables connected to printing in my process, so that I could have beautiful and consistent results. Working with John Isner was a great help.
I began in 2016 using a cheap all-in-one printer and a basic way to prepare my digital negatives. I was selling many prints and in 2017 I upgraded my system. I bought a full frame camera, an Epson P600 printer, a new self made UV printing unit reaching faster exposure times. I bought a Stouffer step wedge and also prepared an easy-to-use exposure time table for making manual exposure test prints. I built a UV Dose Meter to measure the varying exposure of the sun. I chose Easy Digital Negatives (EDN) system by Peter Mrhar to calibrate my digital negatives so I could concentrate on editing my photos without the need to do all the technical measuring. Inside the course we will be using a few modern tools by EDN, independent from the photo editor of your choice, that are accessible for free on the web.

You need to know how to calibrate your digital negative if you print in alternative photographic processes such as Platinotype, Cyanotype, Van Dyke Brown, Kallitype, Salted paper, Chrysotype, Gum bichromate, Argyrotype, Carbon print, etc.
I opened this video course to the members of AlternativePhotography.com before making it open to public. Many people helped me with great feedbacks. I was honoured to receive 5 stars reviews from those knowledgeable testers!

You will find plenty of detailed information, and every lesson has a space for you to post questions that I will answer. Although the value of such a course is high I decided, as it is my personal policy, to offer it at the lowest price possible for me, so that the widest audience could enrol and enjoy it. You have granted unlimited lifetime access to all the course when you buy it! I am sure you already have checked other workshops for making digital negatives (two or three days hands-on) with a price of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
To know more and discover the Digital Negative video course click HERE. There is an introductory video you can watch for free before buying, describing the important concepts and steps of the course.
It is hosted on Thinkific, a professional platform for video courses that uses secure payment platforms with the most secure protocols such as Stripe for credit cards and PayPal. I hope you’ll enjoy the journey.